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Preparing and planning for a baby 's arrival can be overwhelming for most expectant parents. The desire to provide the best for your little one can be all-consuming but do you really need everything under the sun ? Let's go back to the basics, in the first year of life, a baby's fundamental needs revolve around milk and their mother. So take a breath and don't fret if your baby bag isn't fully stocked, you've  got this! As your baby transitions into toddlerhood, their needs remain centered around the love and attention of their caregiver and if you can spend quality time with your child, your child will be happy! While the core needs stay the same, there are certain things that can help support your parenthood journey and contribute to your child's comfort. We have put together a list of essentials items for each stage of your child's life hoping it will save you some valuable time. The first few years of your child are  undoubtedly important but so are you, so remember to self-prioritise. 

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